All events at the Carroll County Fairgrounds require a $15 gate entry fee paid by all spectators and contestants. No exceptions.
Pay one price fair!
$15 Gate, $2 Parking
2024 Dates
May 31-June 8, 2024
Rides every night!



Welcome to Carrollton, Kentucky, where the Ohio and Kentucky River meet! Our fair offers a wide range of events that cater to everyone in the family Among our most popular events are the fuel-based, such as the Demolition Derby, Mud Run, and Truck and Tractor Pulls! Come and join us for a fun-filled experience!
At the Carroll County Fair Board, family is at the heart of everything we do. Our goal is to create delightful experience for visitors of all ages by providing a wide range of activities, including rides, games, 4-H shows, and much more.
Looking to create unforgettable memories? Look no further than the Carroll County Fair! Our website has all the information you need on event dates, schedules, prices, and forms for those interested in participating in shows.