All events at the Carroll County Fairgrounds require a $15 gate entry fee paid by all spectators and contestants. No exceptions.
Vendor Contact:
Kevin Craig
P. O. Box 401
Carrollton, Ky 41008
Thank you for you interest in participating in the Carroll County Fair. We are located behind Wal-Mart off of Hwy 227. Upgrades over the last several years have provided us with ample electrical services and water hydrants.
Booth spaces will be available for setup at a to be determined time. All fees for rental spaces are based on a 10′ x 10′ area and are as follows:
Not For Profit Groups (no food sales) – $100.00
Exhibitors – $150.00
Exhibitors 10' x 20' -$250
One 20 amp electrical service is supplied with each 10′ x 10′ booth space. Additional electrical service is available at a cost of $15.00 for each 20 amp 110 volt service and $30.00 for each 30 amp 220 volt service. This is a one time additional fee for the whole week of the fair.
For you protection and ours, the Carroll County Fair reserves the right to limit the number of booths offering similar products or services, or to refuse booth space if it finds the products or services offered inappropriate.
No exhibitor’s campers, RV’s or personal vehicles on grounds after 4:00PM Vehicles not removed from grounds by 4:00PM will be towed at owner’s expense.
RV camping is available with water and electrical hookup at a cost of $15.00 per night if needed. Fair board representative must be present for hookup. No parking in the pit area.
No deliveries to the grounds after 4:00PM daily.
All exhibitors and booth workers must pay daily gate admission.
All vendor fees will be collected the first night of the carnival.
All state sales taxes to be collected by the vendor.
Vendor is responsible for holding any applicable licensing for products/services being sold.
Carroll County Fair Board holds the right to dismiss vendors from the grounds with no refund of payment if the vendor is found to be in violation of federal/state/local law or fair rules and regulations.
All vendors must be approved by the Carroll County Fair Board
Carroll County Fair and its board are not responsible for any lost or damaged goods or personal property, personal injury, or any weather related delays or cancellations.
If interested, fill out the application below with your name, vendor type, vendor needs, and contact information.